Paramount practices as a crucial tool in your life stripped away through a real story

The hot, draining summer and the dull company I was attending began to darken my mood. The dull company were three men and a lady including me. It was our custom to spend the Saturday night at restaurants. No chance of gigs, disco clubs, theatres or any engaging event to attend. They straight behave as meek bulls whose moans were a dropout sign of binging time.
A vivid eagerness marked the faces of my friends waiting for their big meal ordered. It was also perceptible a nervous atmosphere. One of my friends suddenly started to tap his feet; the lady commenced to grumble and picked the smartphone to subdue her turmoil. The other man was a calm born one even if limitless in devouring meals. I discounted their ungovernable eagerness as utterly boring.
Once the meals were ready at our table, all turned into a feisty moment to fully savouring. Putting aside myself the rest turned out to be bizarre individuals, who compete in those strange events as eating the longest pizza cooked. During that meal I hoped someone would step towards a pleasant conversation. In vain few of my attempts involved the company in chatting. Every so often I caught only few statements broken and misheard on account of the busy munching of my friends.
Their poor culture and full hesitation to better it was so disheartening to me. I started to feel anxious because of our drab custom. As a consequence, I itched on attempting new routes to cheer myself up. I started to attend beautiful and material girls who wanted only to have fun time.
We were all involved most of the day at go dancing, drinking loads of cocktails and staying up late at night. I sometimes got involved in casual sex relationships, which last no more than a week. All it was further fuelled by the overwhelming area where I lived. Streets jammed with cars, motorbikes, bar attendees and fast passers-by. They all ruled over the area made it messy and noisy.
Only at night we could feel a quiet atmosphere. All it seemed to be a drudgery, unending journey. I was feeling as a dry shrub in need to be fed. I commenced to gasp for breathing. Once outside my flat in the morning, the messy and noisy area appeared to me as a bleak picture. Unsettled because of my countless and useless thoughts I felt deprived of vitality. Moreover I couldn’t perceive strong emotions my senses seem to be as anesthetised.
I felt as my inner spirit was changing into an inert matter .The morning after, once got up and dressed; I left my flat heading towards the main street. All of a sudden, my fast pace slowed down. Entranced by a scant, clear brightness spread out from the inside of a church I stopped walking. All at once I moved towards the church. Once reached the front door I entered, and neared to the altar. Once there I seated. I couldn’t explain what exactly I was doing.
Years went by since the last time I had visited a holy “temple” for praying. I noticed few individuals inside the church in silence – as usual in the late morning. The smell of the fresh air and immense silence came as a great relief.

The powerful silence slowly swept away all those wasteful and sombre thoughts. I felt a full embrace of peace and relaxation as ever. Glimmer of lights soon turned into a shine that awaken me from a dormant state. Now I could admire the mere and entrancing architecture. Sculptures’ decoration and paintings on slide highlighted,
a marvellous work of a talented sculptor.
Far above the altar a dark-bronze coloured statue of Jesus Christ crucified. The windows parcelled out on the roof and on the sides of the “temple” had a particular function. They created spots of full lights and shadows, sometimes intertwined on the floor. All together put the seal on the essential and ease meditations.
The more I stayed inside the church the more regenerated I felt. I fully reinvigorated myself.
I was now endowed with the calm and virtue to undertake any type of task in my life.
- First and foremost I’d like to clarify the citation:
“Temple”. I utilised this word to highlighting the paramount aspect of any location built with the scope of supporting the meeting amid our inner spirit and the Supernatural Entity.
Whoever practice prayers and meditations reach a state as I described in the story.
- King David of Jerusalem often reached the holy Temple for praying before any battle or challenge in his life. He often comes up against moment of uncertainty that raised questions in his mind. In silence at the Temple King David rekindled his spirit through the comfort of God, who always listens to whoever in need. However often clear responses demand patience and full devotion to God.
- Matthew 11:28-30 – Gospel citation that matches perfectly with the story
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
- Ancient Greek – citation more in relation with the meaning of Temples
Temple: A House of Gods
The principal building inside a sanctuary — the temple — was not a place of worship but the house of a god or goddess like an Egyptian temple. It was built primarily to house the cult statue of the deity and the various gifts offered to him or her by worshipers. But there was an important difference from Egyptian religion; ordinary Greeks weren’t debarred from entering a temple.
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