Emphasising How Essential It is To Stress The Importance Behind Online Safety For Our Children

The overuse of technological items is successfully maintaining the concerns of parents and teachers. They fear, and quite understandably, the effects on their children of spending long hours on computers, laptops, smartphones and tablets. Furthermore, these concerns are now extending towards adults of all ages.
For the past two years now, I have been monitoring the social media interactions and simultaneously the writing styles, socio-psychological aspects, mind disorders and all forms of the greater media communication.
I have recently experienced one of the most bizarre stories on a social network. This experience has prompted me to stress the importance behind online safety for children. The story begins something like this:.
I was flipping through my suggested contacts on my twitter account, when I was suddenly captured by a profile’s picture. An adorable vision of a very young girl that sparked my curiosity. I therefore, delved into her profile and various posts. Upon closer examination of her photograph, she had flushed cheeks and at first sight, a simple smile, which in plain words then revealed a rather mischievous one.
The clear and vivid photograph was a fair intention of displaying her childish and intriguing beauty. She put the seal on the audience so that she ended up receiving a vast number of visits and comments. However, my comment was this:
You’re so sweet! Beautiful as an angel Your dazzling smile may engage me to write a tale.
Underneath her picture was written the following words:
“Thank you all for your opinion and comments on my picture. I apologise to all those who haven’t received a reply”. The majority of comments were strictly focused upon the teenage girl’s picture (she could have been almost 14 years old, but certainly no older.) Gazing at the picture, the audience was as if either petrified or in shock. As a consequence, most of the audience reached such mental states so as to trigger the loss of emotions and full emotional control. As for the rest, well these were slightly more in fuller control of their emotions, fearing the possible outcome of posting inadvisable posts, that would be seen and witnessed by the others
In-depth analysis:
As a result of this story, I have been able to reach a few conclusions: 10% of the audience expressed doubtful and highly spurious questions and statements regarding the young girl’s age.30% of them posted comments about the astonishment that the young girl’s picture evoked and fair evidence of her sex-appeal. 60% of the audience clearly stated feelings of arousal, strong emotions and invitations to personal meetings. This was especially worrying
The social media world is full of aspects of paramount importance. The mind-boggling social interactions display a landscape, brimming full of absurd messages. Moreover, the addition of images often involves shortening a descriptive message to a few lines, that lacks both syntax and grammar rules so that the reader is easily confounded and caught in all sorts of misinterpreted altercation
I believe that, using technology to message certain items, thereby involves youngsters using new and unfamiliar abbreviations and expressions. In contrast, however, what thereby emerge, are facets of miscommunication and misinterpretation. This is largely inevitable. I have educated myself for a long time in the scientific aspects of all matters pertaining to health issues and have attended a profound and informative course on Psychology and Communication. My assessments back up those concerns of teachers and parents regarding their children, vis a vis the technology world. Furthermore, neuroscientists and cognitive scientists are in full agreement
We believe that children and youngsters indulge in moronic chat, completely mindless games and sick websites for absurdly long hours. Furthermore, this phenomenon is also affecting young and fully grown adults. As a consequence, we have noticed a transition of themselves to a manner of “empty Identities” who have lost the connection with their inner side. They take on more than they can handle and lose the capacity to mull over the important and essential items of gravity. Multitasking slows them down and enhances the chance of mistakes
On the other hand, analysts and writers uphold the positive impact of the technology on children. They claim that the interactive world helps them to socialise. They also praise games as helpful to concentrate on complex tasks. This is understandable and perhaps to be lauded. These days, the technological pace is widespread (smart-working or remote working, digital transformation) and according to statistics, is bound to rapidly increase
The amount of stress on people may be visible on their facial expressions (facial muscles stimulation uncontrolled), speech patterns (alternation in flow and high/low pitch), social and family relationships (uncontrolled emotions alter communicative approach) and becoming overweight (disorder in hormones stimulations which regulate hunger). They are clearly driven by compulsions and all forms of compulsive activities and interactions
All these aspects are significantly caused by the overexposure to the myriad interactive activities which are viewed as a way of escaping the stress of the daily grind. Social scientists believe that the society is on the brink of degeneration because of the overwhelming stimulations of the senses; perceptions reach a specific area of the brain and processed firing stimuli (action movements, thoughts, tensions, internal reactions, etc.).
The perception of the real world has become consequently distorted and individuals become unable to manage all those tasks which range from the simplest ones of a daily routine to the most complex ones in social relationships. In support of this analysis, there are “the 5 levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs” (physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs). These five levels represent that pillar in psychology to diagnose an individual’s behaviour. In this hierarchy, we witness the appearance of the “the social needs” to our already-expressed concerns. The social needs include all those needs related to family, society, love relationship and intense friendship.
An effective lack of fulfilment of those needs, damages our brains and behaviour. The damages we encounter are loneliness, social anxiety and acute depression. Symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and insomnia may be felt. Some individuals may develop specific phobia (social phobia > social anxiety disorder) and start to be affected by obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD), in turn disruptive for our health (physiologically and mentally). These are clearly symptoms of mental disorder. Such analysis can be largely perceived within the comments and images posted on social media
The beautiful teenage girl who posts her captivating photograph in a sexy posture, along with the additional comments, has displayed a sex-addicted personality. This has manifested an acute suffering of paraphilic disorders (recurrent, intense, sexually arousing fantasies>diverted minds and behaviours). There are category and subcategory in which we find detailed description of paraphilic disorders. But the ones I have encountered, are mainly exhibitionism, voyeurism and some other sexual perversions.
A marked minority seemed to have feared to express their emotions, as their awareness of posting comments might have further damaged what reputation they once enjoyed
Some official research, which I find interesting, goes back to the biblical mention of Sodom and Gomorrah and the term “sodomy” which sets out to describe the first forms of sexual perversions and deviation.
There are also notes about the relation of these deviations with childhood and puberty.
My comment has received 661 visualisations, because it has been successfully originated by a man who enjoys a philosophical approach, is well experienced, highly educated and interested in a healthy development of society at large. My statement has had an impact on those people because it has acted as a ray of light glimmering through the dark shadows of that virtual space. It has beamed through and happened to shine on the minds of those, who have remained thunderstruck and confounded.
It might well appear to share something in common with the appearance of angels (in the guise of humans) warning Lot and his family to flee and be saved by God, on account of the impending and forthcoming destruction to be exerted by none other than Sodom & Gomorrah (Genesis Chapter 18:20, 21).
These two cities had reached the very apex of unrighteousness, especially as pertaining to the height of all forms of sexual perversion. Herein, the angels, as God’s messengers, shine a unique light that pierces everything that is dark, gloomy, unclear and morose. The diverted and unsound minds of those citizens may be salvaged by this penetrating ray of clear and brilliant hope.
For hitherto, they had preferred and had chosen to hide their lifestyles well suited within the shadowy, perverted, evil and sinister darkness.The unique light is a supernatural power and is partially bestowed to those who view and follow the way of wisdom and the Lord. We may all learn much from these Biblical lessons and simple tales.
It is high time for a cooperation between all nations to grasp the nettle of the digital world. They have to set up a task force made up of top experts in Social Psychology, Technologies, Neuroscientists.
The task force have to support the government and relatable institutions to ensure each kind of effort for a safe social development and prevention of those pathologies in individuals mentioned in the analysis section.
They should soon promulgate laws that act on:
- DATA – limitation of Data Utilization of individuals through the entire social media system and website content that use cookies and direct marketing. As a consequence they possess further details of individuals’ data.
- ALGORITHM – Can be coded for spreading miscommunication, increase discrimination and intrude with the privacy. We are currently getting through a web degeneration on account of algorithms spread through techy, persuasive apps that support the release of Dopamine(the “Feel-good” neurotransmitter) in higher quantity than the normal range. This alter the perception of the sensations.
- Spending more time in outdoor activities in touch with nature, moreover observing the light and colours of the surroundings. Avoid keeping with you your smartphone.
- Putting aside your smartphone when you’re studying. Try not to use it when wake up in the morning or before going to bed. It can damage your vision and making difficult falling asleep(on night)
- Socialising and diving into achat or a conversation. Don’t let the telephone disturb your conversation.
rather good !!!!!
Thank you very much Mate!!