No stress, No panic, No anxiety

Proliferation of  news on TV  and  widespread throughout  social media in reference to the COVID19 handling is creating high rates of stress and panic.

Stress and panic stimulate the production of  hormones like Adrenaline, Noradrenaline and Cortisol that put our immune system under pressure which receives  a sort of “ electrical disturbance” supported by free radicals* and consequently our ability to cope with the attack of microrganisms is weakened (microrganisms like Viruses, Pathogens Bacteria and others).

According to the description mentioned above people are strongly advised to cut down on watching TV and following news on social media about the COVID19, and, instead making use of indoor life doing things like:

-Listening to music (especially Classic Music**)

-Playing music

-Practicing meditation and Creative Visualisation

-Reading an appealing book

-Doing physical exercises

All these activities help our internal organs to produce and release chemical substances known as Neurotransmitters such as :

Serotonin, Endorphins and Acetylcholine to instil relaxation which has a notably positive impact on our whole body, furthermore on our immune system. 

*Free radicals (please feel free to read the previous article – the benefit of eating food together – how to keep your immune system healthy to deal with COVID  and many other infections)

**Classic Music( Music of J.S Bach, J. Brahms, A. Vivaldi, L.V Beethoven, W.A. Mozart – please feel  free to ask which operas are the most effective to sooth the unpleasant feelings mentioned in the headline.