Discover the 3rd innovative tool listening to the podcast added!

Recently, Joanne our Customer Support Manager has been facing an increase of 38% of assistance demands by users of our web platform. They were getting frustrated crafting their own personal webpage/blog. In plain words the users were finding the dashboard applications overcomplicated for editing such items as: images , texts, videos, audio. Joanne knew that the users had purchased the basic product. However,1# Joanne was especially keen to retain the customers, and with devotion and enthusiasm make their experience with the Editing, a whole satisfactory one.

This might have encouraged new clients to use their product. In light of that, Joanne called Mark the Chief of the Tech-staff for an urgent solution to the issue, this was largely due to the overloaded assistance request that was involving the support team to swiftly send out links to resolve the various customer problems. Many users come from all over the world and reading explanations, provided by the links, were effectively time consuming: indeed, sometimes they were completely useless.

2# & 3#For two days the Tech-staff team burnt the midnight oil. Mark and the staff were utterly exhausted, when suddenly Chirstine, a member of the tech-staff, hit on a way of entering codes in the entire sytem support software so as to regenerate it. Furthermore, the tech-staff set up 3 tools to effectively boost the users’ experience. The firsts two tools were two large-coloured buttons on the dashboard which allowed the incorporation of any type of content edited (Word, PDF format) without any variation of the original editing. The third tool was an installation in each design option clicks in the dashboard (regarding the editing and designing page) that provided, not only video opening, but also a clear explanation on clicking a specific button, by merely just pointing the mouse to the dashboard click multiple options.(coontinues)

I wonder If you’d really like to read the final part of the story which follow high five content strategy(#)
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