Simple deeds that enlighten your daily life

I woke up in a ……. mood that day. The rude awakening on account of a long …….. dream put the seal on the beginning of my day. During those days I was feeling …… bored. The friends I was attending …. solely interested to swallow massive amount of food to …… their nervous hunger.
No Exhibitions to view, no music events to attend, no travelling. Furthermore the way I was spending the time gave free access to the ……., which at a …… pace transformed any lively thought into dark ones.
All that ……. on my mind and the daily life. I had to do many tasks in the morning. But I felt the lack of vitality and spring typical of a morning, so I easily began to ……. some simple tasks. As a consequence the following days the number of tasks raised. All it seemed a very troubling situation that I was getting through.
The boredom and the miserable thoughts of my dream fused to form an obscure and ……….. mass to any ……. of light. As a result the troubling situation sprang up and it showed no sign of amelioration. The day after I got up in full discomfort, I had to complete my daily tasks. Once dressed I moved outside reaching the close bar for a quick breakfast. After that I headed towards the bank to take some cash out.
My pace was fast. To reach the bank I took a quiet, narrow street. All of a sudden, I crossed a….immigrant begging for money. Please give me twenty cents! Said the immigrant.
Oh, sorry, I have no money! I quickly replied to him in …… confusion. The immigrant began to walk away when he suddenly caught a voice – I had stopped my walk and shouted at him:
Wait, wait! You asked me twenty cents, didn’t you? He…… in silent. I was feeling ….. that day, so I put my hand in the pocket and took it out. In the palm of my hand I counted no more than two pounds in coins. I wasn’t reach at all, I was redundant, and I had to handle my outflow( I thought to myself). Nevertheless! I ……. over – giving all the coins to the poor immigrant.
At first I saw a clear and vivid smile on the immigrant’s face. At this moment I perceived a geyser of light commencing to …… into my brain. That inner light swept away the whole obscure and ………… mass. No more space for dark thoughts. I soon sensed a … …… view through my eyes. A dropout vision of the surroundings seemed strange to me.
I felt re-energised too! I was almost motivated at proceeding in the completion of the tasks, that day. A bright smile on my face made curious all the neighbours I was meeting in the area.
That geyser of light kept myself galvanised the whole day. It couldn’t last for long – I thought to myself. In fact, that galvanised state ……… to a full …….. in three days’ time.
Story Analysis
I’ll provide an explanation with the support of my scientific background, studies in psychology and a holistic approach. A summary that will help to stripping away the core concept of the story. Firstly I’ll provide a fair a simple explanation. Secondly I’ll give more in-dept details.
The act of giving all the money in the hand(see paragraph 7) metaphorically represents each type of highly valuable help that someone can offer to a person, people, community. That action develops positive sensations and feelings perceived by our brain, which transmits them to the whole body..
Without a shadow of a doubt, it produces relief, motivation and joy. On the other hand the story contains parts in which is hidden the meaningful failure of the process of overthinking: “ the boredom and miserable thoughts of my dream combined to form an obscure and impenetrable mass to any glimmer of light…” . This process affects critically the inner brain powers. As a result we have a downhill in vitality and motivation perceived.
According to psychological researches some people have a tendency to overuse the rational approach for hours and hours , even for meaningless events. As a consequence the neurons stress their internal and external functions causing a sort of” inflammation” of a part of the neural tissue.
The neural pathway may function improperly. As a result we may face state of confusion( as other symptoms as mentioned in the story). We need to take in consideration that the neural network allows the interconnection and intercommunication to have a proper behaviour connected to an optimal functionality of all brain areas.
The area that processes a thought is the Area of integration, which receives the highest amount of information from all the others areas who have other specific functions. All the information cross the neural network by specific chemical elements(in ionic form) and molecules: chemical simple and complex compound(neurotransmitters and other substances).
In conclusion , the act of altruism mentioned in the story involves the release of some neurotransmitters. For instance, Serotonin, the most connected with the positive feelings and sensations mentioned in the story. Serotonin’s level in the brain is of a paramount importance.
Its shortage is present in psychopathologies and especially various types of depression. Some activities are supportive at keeping steady the Serotonin’s level , and involves an optimal function of the entire neural network and a healthy brain.