851 Tweets in eight hours. Women’s violence report

A valuable perspective and analysis of women in dire need of effective support Yet women’s violence reports are still high. They redundantly encounter stalking, harassments, threats, and in the worst scenario they may get murdered. “Locked in the domestic walls”, women are like the centre of a dartboard where men’ s violence outbusrts hit the …


A fundamental provision of meaningful and supportive concepts on how to behave in our lives Humankind’s hustle and bustle is a dropout sign of current times which mark the overexposure to bad news widespread through the media. The Ukraine conflict and the Covid 19 post pandemic mismanagement are demoralising the global population. People feel on …

On the 8th days I received 844 tweets. Mercedes Benz possesses a good marketing strategy

The Historical Mercedes Benz 280s that Put The Seal on The Brand History and Innovation through the time. A story about the Mercedes Vintage model sold throughout the world During the 80s the youngsters of my own area and I passed the times mostly outdoor. One of the leisure activities we used to adore was …

In just one week, 661 Tweets

Emphasising How Essential It is To Stress The Importance Behind Online Safety For Our Children The overuse of technological items is successfully maintaining the concerns of parents and teachers. They fear, and quite understandably, the effects on their children of spending long hours on computers, laptops, smartphones and tablets. Furthermore, these concerns are now extending …


Discover the 3rd innovative tool listening to the podcast added! Recently, Joanne our Customer Support Manager has been facing an increase of 38% of assistance demands by users of our web platform. They were getting frustrated crafting their own personal webpage/blog. In plain words the users were finding the dashboard applications overcomplicated for editing such …

3 main ways to prolong life – Lifestyle & nutrition

Reaserchers at various Universities have carried out studies all over the world. In conclusions they have demonstrated that eating food together( a sweet ritual now in constant development) is one of thing that helps to prolong life. This conclusion underlines the fact that cooking for others and sharing meals prepared properly lowers the risk of …

5 ways to strike the audience in Fashion

Liu Jo Hits a Home Run with their new “Dancing girls” Ad Liu jo Bag SS20 – An astonishing TV advrtising Camapaing The Liu Jo  brand has launched one of the most impressive and captivating Christmas Video advertising campaigns. Originality and creativity is highly visible, and furthermore  perceptible for creative viewers. Analysing the video promotion …

3 Image Making steps to tell you a story in a unique way of the Music from The Elder cover Album – Kiss Rock Band

Aim – Visual analysis of the Album of the Cover Ideas / Subtitles: Connection between music and cover, use of composition, use of light, meaning of different elements Specific: THE ELDER – It represented a radical new departure in terms of Album Cover Designed At the beginning of the 80s LPs were very important as …

Formal Complaints -A more interesting way to complain with a twist – 3 Basic Pillars For Customer Service Roles

Companies that put their customers first survive through any ups and downs – Build trust & respect with your clients – Show your whole staff the right way to operate. March 6, 2019 Angela Dawson – HR Officer Liverpool Street 15 London WC1 – England Dear Ms. Property, I am writing to express my disappointment …

No stress, No panic, No anxiety

Proliferation of  news on TV  and  widespread throughout  social media in reference to the COVID19 handling is creating high rates of stress and panic. Stress and panic stimulate the production of  hormones like Adrenaline, Noradrenaline and Cortisol that put our immune system under pressure which receives  a sort of “ electrical disturbance” supported by free …